My friend Liz did a list of the good and bad stuff that’s happened to her in 2020 and the good by far outweighed the bad. She said she wanted to see other people’s lists so here is mine.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Bad things | Good things |
Global pandemic, millions dead, millions sick. | Went to the far top of Norway in January and saw my old friends Inger and Steve in Bodø. We were at uni together in the late 70s, we hadn’t met up for about 20 years! |
Contemptible never ending series of cock ups and mismanagement from our despicable, uncaring government made up of self serving greedy bastards. | Made some new friends including new online friends. |
My friend lost both her parents within days of each other to Covid. | Went to the Alpes Maritimes to be loved by my friends in February. Great walks. |
Friends getting sick with Covid. | Went to the Lake District for my birthday a bit before lockdown started. There was a shortage of paracetamol in Ambleside but stacks of loo paper in Booths in Windermere. |
Friends sick with other awful illnesses. | Grew veg for the first time properly in the garden. Hit and miss but it was nice eating my produce. |
Had to remove this one as don’t want to be sued. | The blue tits nested in the box they demanded I put up. The babies fledged and I hope the jay didn’t get any of them. The only time I saw the jay was when the babies were about to leave the box. |
Some bouts of depression. | Walked a lot and then some more. Did more exercise. |
Not done the travels I planned. I was about to “set wing to wing”. | Started to like myself again, enjoying living on my own in my lovely house with a great view. I’m very lucky. I have routines and like looking after myself. |
Nearly lost the plot waiting for results of 2 tests for cancer (negative). | Because of IBS, had a better diet and lost some weight. |
Last time I had a hug was on March 15th, it was a good one with Cath. | Pre lockdown visit from Ian, who I’ve known since childhood, was a real tonic. |
Not had any overnight visitors. | I got my guest bedroom all set up to receive overnighters. One day they will be able to come. |
Had to cancel short break in January 2021 to Wales. This was so that I would not be at home for 2nd anniversary of Carol’s death. Was going to meet up with my cousins. It is what it is. | Saw my very good friends Liz and Tracey and my cousins Sophy and Jo. Video calls and phone calls with old friends. The love and support of friends and family has been central to this year and to keeping me sane. You know who you are and I love you. |
Had to cancel other trips in October as well. | My house and garden are much improved thanks to work done by contractors and by me. |
I know my neighbours a little bit more. | |
Had a memory lane holiday in Cornwall and a short walking break in North Yorkshire, all a bit Covid weird but good to get out and meet people. | |
Continued to enjoy occasional blog post writing, helps me to work through things. Each post is crafted over several days, weeks sometimes. Some lovely feedback about my posts. | |
It will very soon be just 2 years since Carol died. I am coping, not seeing lots of people is ok, it’s allowed me time for reflection. I miss the 2 loves of my life more than words can say, every single day. | |
Continued to enjoy taking photos. Having the time to take photos makes a huge difference. | |
Music has come back into my life in a big big big way. Playing it, singing it, dancing to it. Starting to learn to play the guitar (this will take a while which is good because it looks like being confined to barracks is going to go on for some time yet). | |
Bruce at 71 is sexier than ever and singing in what he calls his current voice which is not the same but ok in a new way. He put out an album, Letter to You which is really good and he sang along with fellow New Jersey songwriter, Jack Antonoff on brilliant Bleachers’ track chinatown. Happy music. Bruce has been doing a regular DJ slot and plays some epic tracks. Listen to it direct from the US not the watered down BBC version. | |
Natalie, oh Natalie. I was in love with Natalie back when the Dixie Chicks first released Wide Open Spaces in 1998. I remember seeing the videos and had the CDs. Then she and sisters Martie and Emily were vilified and threatened with being shot because Natalie had the balls to criticise Bush on the eve of war in 2003. And she did it in London which incensed the good ol’ bad ol’ boys even more. At the beginning of 2020 a new album and a tour were coming and my interest was getting perked up again. Gaslighter eventually got released a bit later than planned. It’s an excellent album produced by Jack Antonoff. Do not mess with those chicks! I love this track which is a love song to Natalie’s boys Young Man. When Natalie sings her voice inspires very intense emotions in me, both on her own and in the harmonies with Martie and Emily and with other singers. In my view, Natalie’s also very hot but that’s actually second to what her voice does to me. | |
Natalie posted an impassioned entreaty on Instagram re staying at home to which I responded equally passionately. She liked my comment and made my day! She manages her own account and doesn’t post very often so extra exciting! | |
I came out as trans. Not done anything about it but not planning to do more than live my life as the boy I am, breasts and all. The breasts have annoyed me for years but no way am I having surgery. | |
Sexuality, no change there then, as Carol would say, “so long as they’re breathing”. Pansexual despite all the kitchenware jokes. | |
Looking forward to wearing more hats and showing off my legs in 2021. Peace and love. |