Bruce in Frankfurt Friday July 3rd 2009

Chris Dancing in the Not Quite Dark Yet
Second position further back but more comfortable
First spot, nearer but hard to see
In the pub before the gig
In the departure lounge
Spooky, another Bruce fan behind me

I’ve already written this right up to Friday afternoon and then it all disappeared but hey at least some of my words of wit will return with luck.

After only 4 hours sleep we had our 1st breakfast of muesli and left nice and early at 6.30 to miss the Manchester rush hour.
Arrived at airport and parked in short stay park next to terminal 1, nice and easy. We both bought CK Summer and a few other bits, no pack a mac for Chris though. Having done the boarding pass thing online, just had time for a 2nd breakfast (bacon sarnie for C, almond pastry for me) and more coffee.
Onto the plane and settled in for 3rd breakfast of cheese sandwich, very nice and a mini Mars bar plus coffee.
Arrived in Frankfurt at 12.10, the luggage arrived just as we did at the terminal, perhaps the long bus ride around the vast number of planes was so that baggage control looked really efficient.
After I’d got on the wrong bus we took the correct shuttle to the NH Hotel in Raunheim. Nice hotel in commercial and residential area. We checked in and went straight for a swim to cool off a bit.
We unpacked a bit, Chris rang Steven Jump about getting into the pit but it meant getting to the stadium at 5.00 so we changed and took what we needed for the evening.
Walked to Raunheim train station where a nice lady sold us her day ticket for half price so we only had to buy one, would have been even nicer if she had given it to us.
Took the fast train to Frankfurt and this would have been nice if it was too. Instead it took twice as long because of track repairs.
Wandered off in direction of the old town passing through the rough town. Chris took a fancy to some dodgy toiletries in a Superdrug type shop. Got more water.
Found the old town which was hosting Iron Man contest, this is swimming and biking. Then so hungry despite the multiple breakfasts stopped at pub and had sausage selection (Chris) and beef and potato dumplings (Jak) plus beer. Terrible smell of drains in this area unfortunately.
No time to go back to the hotel so went straight to the stadium on the train. Already quite good at the trains. Blew up inflatable instruments which caused much comment and amusement for rest of evening. Met the first of Chris’ boyfriends on the train admiring of her horn!. Path from station tree lined which was handy for C’s needs.
Once in, took a while to figure out how to get into the standing area. Got a spot which was quite close, well near the mixing desk but the sound was a bit rubbish and it was hard to see over very tall people. Bruce was very naughty and over 45 minutes late so more beer consumed. J left for a loo break during Outlaw Pete and realised both sound and vision (on screens) much better further back so we moved back and were more comfortable and not so squashed either.
Amazing 28 song set, played some stunners – Something in the Night, Trapped, Point Blank. We waved the guitar and sax and the Frankie sign but he would have struggled to see it without his binos.

1. Badlands
2. Adam Raised A Cain
3. The Ties The Bind
4. My Lucky Day
5. Outlaw Pete
6. Hungry Heart
7. Working On A Dream
8. Seeds
9. Johnny 99
11. Something In The Night
collecting signs
12. I’m Goin’ Down (request)
13. Ramrod (request)
14. Trapped (request)
15. Because The Night
16. Waitin’ On A Sunny Day
17. The Promised Land
19. Kingdom of Days
20. Lonesome Day
21. The Rising
22. Born To Run

23. Hard Times
24. Jungleland
25. American Land
26. Bobby Jean
27. Dancin’ In The Dark
28. Twist & Shout

On the way out, everyone did the Badlands refrain in the tunnel and beyond. Back to station buying more water and beer on the way, plus a melted cheese bread thing.
But at the station the renowned punctuality suddenly went badly wrong and hundreds of people had to wait forever for the trains to come. Most annoying as just tired, took nearly 2 hours to get back to hotel after gig finished.
Finally got back, showered and slept like logs, so tired forgot to pull the curtain.
One of the best gigs ever.


Please visit Map and Compass and learn how to interpret a map with me and my navigation partner, Cath.
