Gorple circuit May 6th 2013

Carol and I did a very similar route to one I did not long ago with Cath, except we made it a bit shorter today.

We walked on bits of the Pennine Way and the Pennine Bridleway, sometimes both at the same time. It was a lovely sunny day and I had to put the factor 50 on for the first time this year.

Started at the car park for the Walshaw Dean reservoirs, dropped down to Graining Water, crossed the 2 footbridges and then up to Gorple Cottages, then to Reap’s Cross still marked as “rems of” on the map but actually “restored by the people of this hillside” a few years ago.

That was the end of the good paths, from the cross it’s a hike across the very dry moor. All the bogs have dried up. We listened to curlews and peewits and wrens and managed to make a goose very cross. Then we came upon another pair of geese so we did a bit of a detour so as not to upset them too. This took us to Raistrick Greave which is a large ruin.

From there to the old scout hut. At this point we stopped for Carol to have her lunch, half of mine had gone at Reap’s Cross and half at Raistrick Greave. Whilst there I investigated a second footbridge and some steps leading up to a good path, none of which are marked on the map. It looks like they give access to a set of grouse butts.

From the scout hut we started back taking in Gorple Lower reservoir. A lovely day out in the sun.

Gorple Lower reservoir
Gorple Lower reservoir
Graining Water
Graining Water
From Raistrick Greave
From Raistrick Greave
Blackbird for Carol
Blackbird for Carol

P1010849 P1010853 P1010863 P1010866

 Please visit Map and Compass and learn how to interpret a map with me and my navigation partner, Cath.
