It started off badly when I found I’d forgotten my compass! I walked a circuit from Lydgate near Littleborough.
First went south quickly reaching the motorway and crossing it. Here I headed east and this was fine for about 1 km but then the right of way had no path under it. Sometimes this is alright but today after all the rain, the bog was too much especially when it went over my ankle and into my boot, so I headed up to a clear bridleway which I could follow up to the mast just near Windy Hill. This was all ok but by the time I got to the mast the fog had descended and the mast was barely visible although I was right next to it.
Then it was back across the motorway and a long quite dull stretch northwards to Blackstone Edge. It was even more dull as there was nothing to see except the flagstones in front of me. This is part of the Pennine Way and Cath and I walked this in September. I don’t remember there being flags then but I may be mistaken in this.
From Blackstone Edge it’s a short hop to the Aiggin Stone, this was also barely visible and what light there was was disappearing rapidly. West down the Roman Road where I promptly fell over, turned my ankle, knocked my pride, and managed to land on the soft bits. My wrist feels a bit weak but will probably be OK tomorrow.
Down through the soggy, boggy bits back to the car. The whole walk took just over 4 hours but felt much longer in the fog.
Map and …. the lack of compass was not a problem as I had backup of GPS on my phone and an electronic compass on my watch, however I have returned my emergency compass to the bag.